Looking to the Future with Faith and Trying to Stay One Step Ahead of Competitors

This is how Andrzej Krzywkowski who works for KNC in Sosnowiec answered a question about the situation on the real estate marketplace. Established in 2011 by a licensed real estate agent Magdalena Masłowska, the office has been marking its growing position on the real estate marketplace of Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin in spite of the enormous competition in Sosnowiec and neighbouring towns.

"Our office is based in the strict centre of Sosnowiec at 9 Małachowskiego Street, in the informal capital city of the Dąbrowa Basin. From the very start it has been our intention to actively operate not only in Sosnowiec, but also in the whole Basin. So we started off with collecting listings not only from Sosnowiec, but also from neighbouring towns such as Dabrowa Gornicza, Bedzin and Czeladz. We are also active in areas more distant from our office, such as Poreba, Siewierz, Zawiercie or Slawkow. These are the outskirts of the metropolitan area so you can find cheaper real estate offers there. I have noticed that inhabitants of such cities as Sosnowiec, Dabrowa Gornicza and Katowice have been showing increasing interest in those regions recently" says Andrzej Krzywkowski.

Real estate agents who work in Sosnowiec and its area have been speaking about temporary market slowdown, which is confirmed by Andrzej Krzywkowski of KNC Sosnowiec.

"We can see that prices keep falling. People often take back their sales offer if they are unable to get the right price. However in my opinion most properties are overpriced and it is in the area of pricing that differences of expectations between transaction parties are the most significant.

Some agents complain about the situation they are in, but nobody is using the word "crisis" yet. In spite of the coming winter – and it has always been a calmer period for our business – we have no intention of giving up.

Author: Beata Madel - Head of KNC Nieruchomości in Tarnów. | Date: 2011-12-05
This document may be published in whole or in part with the following acknowledgement of source: The information comes from real estate websitewww.wsn.pl.

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