Kielce – New Location on the Map of KNC's Franchising Network

A new KNC office is being organised in Kielce at 113 Warszawska Street.
In spite of the crisis, the real estate business is growing like no other. It is an industry with a future. Franchise holders who are members to KNC franchising network must realise that, as the number of new agencies operating under the brand name KNC Global Real Estate is ever growing. A new office of that well-known and valued brand is now being established in Kielce, and will soon be open for customers at 113 Warszawska Street. The KNC franchise holder in Kielce has been a sole entrepreneur for many years and has considerable experience in running his own business.

The KNC network has a huge database of properties located in the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship, which is now available to the franchise holder in Kielce. Access to that database is an undeniable benefit from being a member to the network but, it must be said, not the only one.

Other benefits provided to KNC franchise holders include: access to know-how tested by the company in practice, organisational structure, management policies, office administration methods, standards of commercial offer, customer and associate agreement templates, standard procedures for dealing with individual and institutional customers, free office software, a separate website with a dedicated listing search engine and a separate offer presentation, free general promotion provided by KNC in national and international press, radio and television and help in reducing internal costs, systemic and systematic care and assistance, professional counselling in overcoming any emerging problems, and consequently a reduction of the risk of mistakes, hassle-free debt recovery thanks to the services provided by specialised legal firms cooperating with KNC, opportunity to take part in professional training for the lowest rates in Poland organised at the company's own training centre - training compliant with the legal obligation of continuous training for real estate market professionals, opportunity for making extra income and extending operations by loan and insurance brokerage services, sales of ready-made designs, real estate valuations or energy audits.

Author: Beata Madel - Head of KNC Nieruchomości in Tarnów. | Date: 2011-08-31
This document may be published in whole or in part with the following acknowledgement of source: The information comes from real estate

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